Today i just purchase some Forever21 stuff :D
first i got the flora skirt i like blue color and design to wear it when i'm going to the beach and
i also got the headband i think it's cute and simply to wear.
So the next is i got a book from B2s book store it's English book from Penguin publisher
wanna try to read the English book so... i bought it :)
I also got the Fasio eyebrow mascara .. i just want to try, i always use Canmake eyebrow mascara and i love it but its ran out so i wanna try sth new..so i bought Fasio if its not fit to me i would back to Canmake hahaha ...ummm i also got the pencil eye liner of Fasio i just try it when i'm back home i found that it's not easy to write i mean the color did not show as it's gonna be i need to put it a lot to be come black :((